

A message from Phil Boulten SC

Fri May 23 2014

I have decided to step down as President of the Bar Association. It has been a great honour to lead the New South Wales Bar over the last 18 months and I have put a great deal of energy into the task. But, I believe that it is in the best interests of the Association to refresh the leadership role at this time when things are going well and before I jade. My replacement, whomever they may be, will bring a different set of skills to the position and a renewed vigour as the President.

I am extremely grateful to my Bar Council colleagues for all of their tireless work and for their support throughout my presidency. Thanks also, to Philip Selth and all of the Bar Association staff who have provided me with such excellent advice and service. We are fortunate, indeed, to have these good people working so hard for us all.

Most importantly, thanks to the New South Wales Bar. It has been my greatest pleasure to be your President.

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